The user is obliged not to use the e-shop for: a) sending, publishing, sending by e-mail or transmitting in other ways any content that is illegal for any reason or causes unlawful insult and damage to the Business or any third party or violates the confidentiality and privacy of any person’s information; b) sending, publishing, e-mailing or otherwise transmitting any content that offends morality, social values, minors, the personality of any person, etc.; c) sending, publishing, e-mailing or otherwise transmitting any content for which users do not have the right to transmit according to the Law or the applicable contracts (including, but not limited to, internal or personal information, proprietary and confidential information acquired or disclosed as part of employment relationships or covered by confidentiality agreements, etc.); d) sending, publishing, e-mailing or otherwise transmitting any content that infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or proprietary rights of any third party; e) sending, publishing, e-mailing or otherwise transmitting any material that contains malware/viruses or any other codes or programs or files designed and intended to damage, interrupt, destroy or equip the operation of any computer software or hardware; f) harassment of third parties in any way; g) collection, storage or use of personal data of other users; h) voluntary or involuntary violation of applicable laws and regulations. The content of this website does not constitute and cannot in any way be interpreted as a direct or indirect invitation to users/consumers to perform any act or omission. The responsibility for the contents of the transactions belongs exclusively to the user and the Business does not intervene or correct the data transferred by the user. Each user is obliged to make proper use of the website in compliance with Greek and European legislation, as well as to fill in correctly and accurately the full name, mailing address and e-mail address, which are protected as confidential, as defined in the section “Privacy Policy- GDPR”. The user who has not complied with these Terms and Conditions, as well as any other text of the Business’s website including the Privacy Policy- GDPR, and in particular with the requirements and prohibitions thereof, unconditionally accepts that he/she will compensate the Business for any positive and consequential damage suffered or for any claim made against the Business by a third party due to posted, transmitted or published content that falls under the above prohibitions.